GameOver, Battle, AI and others ideas

Well those days was hard to find time to work on this, but here is the second Devlog with many data to explain a little e.e
Decided to continue with the GAMEOVER Screen
i already have the broken animation if you get hurt or from a fall, so now is the implement of the gameover and scene management, to be honest i have a LOADING SCREEN implemented that use when is need it, ike here, because the scene is more detailed and for some player can take time to load it. So here i just take the time to create the loading screen and conect the scenes with the SCENENUM.
Later comes the second part of the game.
The rest of the map and the exploration part.
The movility is ready an the animations are set to be implemented.
What comes next is the Enemies, the other manequies, they will have and easy AI.
*Player comes to an area - the enemy starts to follow her
*Player comes to the nearest area - the enemy freezee movement and atack
*Player hit correctly the enemy - The enemy stop any animation and movement, -1 life
*Enemy has 0 life, enemy dies
Here is the way i did it
my starter values

My update code, this code constantly is checking the status of the booleans, and actived the animations, the navmesh of following the character and some colliders, like the weapon collider that is only active a little time.
I try to avoid the chance of receive multiples HITS by ONE ANIMATION.
A tip i learn in this code with the NAVEMESH, the .setdestination is so usefull, but take in mind that if your character will stop movement for atack or to stop following use the .istopped AND set your .setdestination to your actual transform.position, to avoid that your character can continue following not your character, but will continue moving to the last destination it had.
Constantly when i get out of range the enemy stop walkig (the animator controller works) but the positions continue moving.
and the public functions that will be called by the triggers, those active or desactive the booleans
Here for example you can see how is the areas controlled, one cilinder is for the collision and rigibody of the enemy, latter are two others ares in TRIGGER mode and SONS of the enemy GAMEOBJECT, the small area is the attack area, this works with the ONTRIGGERENTER and ONTRIGGERSTAY , when you reach this area the enemy stops and attacks you, and the biggest area is the following area, it works with the ONTRIGGERSTAY code.
To be honest these take a time, and like the result, and implement some of the same ideas for the player battle code, added a boolean to set if the player can attack or not, depends of the level, decided tu use the F button for the attack. All players when attack will stay static in position until complete the attack, so a miss atack will leave you vulnerable or the first who hit, this part was a little hard to avoid for example that boths players get hits, the first that detect the collision receive the damage and cancelle all animation and collisions of damage.
So this will be the enemies of all the game, but be carefull you can easily get broken, what rest to do is complete the level and put some dialogs or data so the players understand a little of the history and if the time leave, create the collectives, yes i want to put collectives.
Scripts or notes that reveal the story of the game, the part you play and the future idea.
And to give more incentive to explore the map, like you are so small the map will look so big to discover.
The menu of the game was created and the soundtrack was selected and is ready for the game, already implemented, using the spectacular work of ZeroProject.
I have and idea for the save in progress, but for time i decided to avoid it, or think a quick way to the restart function.
Get Breakable
Adventure Game, Fragile Character. Award: Best Audio - Jury Desition
Status | In development |
Author | Bromelee |
Genre | Adventure |
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