The Beginning, idea, mechanics and more (only paper)

Well this is the start, like i said in the dashboard, my idea is use a fragile character, and decided to be a porcellaine doll, a thing that is usually manage with so much precaution, with this in mind one of the princippal hazards in this game must be THE GRAVITY.
You can get fractured or totally broke by a little or medium fall, so the game should have many puzzles or levels like platformers.
To be honest i take just two days thinking in what to do exactly?
The first idea was perfect but have to think well what i want to do exactly with the character where? and why? But later get a versus between another idea cuase the life itself is something FRAGILE that sometimes we dont consider but i want in this game to do something more fantastic.
The first story i get was in a cabin in the forest, you were created artificially and wake up in the night just to discover why are you there, helped by other doll, principally manequins, characters that can help and be some enemies later. The idea of the game was to discover that you are the favorite doll of a little girl, the father decided you give her all the live dolls and toys she needs.
The idea was discarted, principally the time in production the scenes and try to tell the story in a short time of play, and to be honest have to think better the story.
So later comes the new idea when discover some scenaries perfect for the game, an abbandoned place, the principals toys are manequins, the easiest material to give life and commonly used for toys, this place give the dolls the special part of life, a new era for toys development. but what about you? you are a porcellain doll, a delicated doll incompleted or corrupted, what happen then if you are considered an error production.
The idea likes more and give the chance of explore a bigger place, figth and test your skill in more platforms and puzzles.
for the demo decided to contain:
* The Beginning a little platfor where ou collect the key to get out of the room, easy to explain the first part of the game, the movements and show your fragility and principal hazard.
* The little travel, every doll has to go to the tester and be consider perfect to get out (This part will be to show a little of the history i want to show in the game and what could be if continue the idea.)
*The escape, here is the first and mostly the rest of the game where you have to fight the manequins and find a way to get out or discover trully what is your purpose here.
This time is an adventure and Third Persona movement.
Those are theprincipals states of the game, you have 3 lifes that you can lose by a small fall or by a medium hit.
Or get an insta gameover by a medium o higher fall.
To restore heal you shouls paste your fractured parts so must get or find some glue.
You can Interect with objects (E), movement WASD and move camera with the MOUSE, atack with the RIGHT Click. (when you get a melee weapon)
Think in use a save per room position like LUIGIS MANSION, cause you can easily die by a bad jump so if you restard start from the last position saved, but is a temp saved, this dont mean the game will save your progress or maybe yes, thats depends of the progress of the program.
Off course when i get the idea think instantly in the theme so create some banners to represent the idea of been something BREAKABLE.
I want to give this game more fantastic ideas soo the origin and explanation coulb be more related to magic and will have things like that.
The ideas are clear and is time to start production.
First the enviiroment and character, im principally focused in the code so many elements are FREE to use or are purchased by me in the ASSET STORE.
Off course we should start with the movility of the character, lucky Unity has some STANDART ASSETS that complete that part but we must read it and understan it, that give us the facility to know if we should edit something for future purposes, for EXAMPLE the STEPS. Thanks to the GOUNDED and PHYSICS we can detect when the object is nearly or touching the floor. Why? because i want to make the sound of PORCELLAIN with every step, give the sensation of FRAGILITY from your character.
What comes next to me, is the principal HAZARD, the gravity, whith the code i can get the yvelocity of the character, with that value i will control this part of the hazard, so you can die from a fall or get fractured.
I want to break the character but now is no time to create or do that, so decided to use a Breaking Glass that represents that you are BROKEN, with the same thing if you get fractured your monitor shows like it will fractures the window, loves the idea, is like the BLOOD in COD when you get shooted, here the windows starts to break until you lose your life.
To explain more of the code, well, when you are falling you get a little daly to black, if you get totally fade out, you died, you reach the maximus fall you resist without breaking, after that comes the effect of crysteall break and the game over that is not created yet e.e
The lucky thing here is like i created the life with static values and controlled with a unique code, the code created for the break windowns and game over works perfectly when start the programing of the enemies so the life controller is totally.
This time will be no alphas until get the full beta, so you see a little of the history and code, but the hard parts is comming so lets see if can complete this.
Get Breakable
Adventure Game, Fragile Character. Award: Best Audio - Jury Desition
Status | In development |
Author | Bromelee |
Genre | Adventure |
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