Test #3 (map design, triggers, objectives)

Here comes the new alpha, now with the map designed for the first part of the game

The lights reperesents the SECTORS OF ENERGY each one receive, you start with the suplement energy with only orange lights, you must get to the energy station to restore the light of one sector.

Another thing is you start in a good light area but when you star to go deep or near the final the lights are less or none.

Creating the map get some conclusions, the objetives will be there but now are separated.

Objectives Necessary: Restore energy and get some implements.

Self Objectives: Repair yourself to clear your vission or move more faster. 

Some code was created for this section but are some easy ones

Triggers that detects if the player enter or if stay inside the trigger can complete an action.

Code to control the lights and a controller code that will change or not things when you get it on the map, like the ligths some door inactivity or the visor repair.

The new alpha is avaliable the game is programed and you can:

*restore the energy from sector 2 (blue lights)

*get a new glass helmet to restore some of your vision.

*restore energy sector 3 (red lights)

*movility in all the map

You can get the alpha 0.3 here


for tomorrow will try to complete all the objective and star or try to complete the stetic thing, put more thing in the world, try to get more that ambient of isolation, start with sound and effects.

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