All About this game
Here i will tell you all about this game, principall the things i cant do e.e x3
Well at the begining i get the idea of 2 missions one, a like quake or unreal tournament and the second mission in a space ship, both with shotter mechanics.
The principal problem here was the time, and i not talking about the week given, i talk about my own time, to be honest was a really hard week e.e
Anyways at the end, knowing my limited time of production decided to created another asteroid game but decided to test it in other perspective.
My idea was to put the camera in FirstPersonView, like you are sit on that ship, the mechanic of movements are the basic
Vector3 velocity = input * this.keyboardMovementSpeed;
transform.position += Time.deltaTime * velocity;
But the movility only works for X and Y.
And what i decided to do something different, well, i reimplement from FORGOTEN Game, the camera movement, so it limits the view and you can see around inside the ship.
What i test cause every jam is something new to learn or to test, and here i did it to.
Decided to create something realistic in graphics and feeling, so the first thing was the multiples animations for each thin i want it.
My idea was to set ANIMATORS to PARTS OF THE BODY, so each one responde to especific situations. but for time i only could complete this mechanic for 4 parts.
Head Movement - Done
Left Arm movement - Done
Joystick - Done
Tumb Movement - done
Right Arm Movement - NoTime
The axis used for the movement are the same that interact with some of those animations
the long part here was create all the animations required for these code
like that i create some the arm movement when you move the ship, i create another one for the tumb, so you see you press the button when you shoot.
the other mechanics created was instanciate a cube that will work like shoots and go forward some distance.
Later was instanciate some others cubes that appear randomly in from of you, this will be the asteroids and enemies. You know that the easies way to start is to code sometimes with cubes and later replaces the things you need, so you dont need to depents of art and models for work.
at this point i lose like 3 days because of work projects e.e so star to discart many things and use some assets i own (off cour any assets used is legal and credited).
at this point i will tell you what i planned to do.
The game will be a space ship like asteriod but in First Person View, the idea was to ear experience or money to start updated your ship with better beans and missiles (the misiles comes from an asset from unity e.e). Wanted to created the Achivements, like survive x time, destroy many asteroid, drones, bombs, etc. And off course this will be work with SAVE data so you can continue later.
I complete the save data code and variables that are in the game e.e
this serializable class is used for the SAVE process and update or alter the statics variables that would be control the other thing, was discarted at the end.
Like you can see there was a variable for CLASSICMODE, yes i wanted to use the same scene but in a 2D view and movement in XZ like the clasic asteroid. so idecided to focus in GRAPHICS, cause i was ending is the code for the enemies, here is a view of the final code resulted.
start to replace things and use models and effects so its looks more realistic and less cubic e.e
the skybox like some spaces views but one thing i dont like it was the static background so used some code i created for an old project to rotate the skybox slowly to give some movements, here is the simple code used
later another thing decided to created for more things to view are the RADARS, you have two SCREENS where you can see your ship an enemies in two different view
what i did was, create two render texture and two cameras that work with those view, but to give it that digital style i sed a GLITCH CODE, the codes are Free you can fint it on ASSET STORE like Realistic Glitches Lite, with this code i use the tint to left one in blue green tones and another in red ones.
One thing i see later was that this thing can be stetic or usefull, depends of the person, so decide at this point to create this:
- HOLMBERG (the name of the game, i explain it later the name e.e )
- RADAR H. (A game using only the radar views)
- CLASSIC (the classic and pixelate asteroid mode )
with those things clear i tell you that all the 3 modes are play it with the same scene, just duplicate the scene and changes the movement or the camera that is render.
Then comes the CLASSIC MODE, here the diference is the view and the movement, with a bool i set a diferent movement for this scene and to give it that pixel idea i use the ALLIN1SHADDER, use a render texture like in the radar for a top view, but with this shader i pixelate the render view on a rawimage to looks like a 256 pixels view, so it looks like this x3
This game has no name, i think that when i was creating the menu screen, i was putting some effects on the menu and put a black hole (some effects i have over there) and think in a song i created this year HOLMBERG 15A, so the principal mechanic change where you are destroying all the things that comes out from the HOLMBERG WORMHOLE, that was the final pieces, where i just set some details on scenes and complete the menu with the instructions and the credits x3.
To be honest this time i dont do that much work and effort, i thougth in make this game more interactic, this are somethings discarted for the time and overwork e.e
- The shield that restore every 30 secods, but you must activate it manually when is restore.
- The missiles shoot animation, do the simillar work with the right arm when you shoot the missiles.
- The ammo for missiles, when the amo of misile was empty you shouldpress some buttons to start the reload.
- The difficult selection.
- The achivements and stats data (Like Breakable).
- The first person shotter ideas.
i ope you all enjoy it, this time i reuse many ideas and codes created from previous games and some others from assets, but still was a hard work to get this result that hope you all enjoy.
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Great writeup and nice code embed, how did you do that?
was hard to be honest, principally to get the time, but with the time you can learn to create codes that easily work together, i try to test and try many of the STATIC CLASS and STATIC VARIABLES, i think they are very usefull for multiples purposes x3
An well used can be helpfull and create many thinks x3