Little Devlog

Well i will be more quick this time, already know how i work and do my things x3
All starts direct on paper, you know is better thnik first what to do before start coding or starting thing in the engine.

First, sorry if you dont understand, but i write in spanish and sometimes in english XD
Here are some first looks of the projects, with the idea of canvas, posible things to put, the stats idea and the attack and defense process using the stats of the player.
this was the first idea and tested like a roleplay game, looks nice and fun if you can level up by your own the stats of the character, you can create your own stat control x3.
The part easy was the art concept, using some bundles i won in the last JAM e.e
i love the idea of these canvas, but want to give the interaccion in world, so like you can see there are no CAMERA, that because the camera is on the character.
In the world are many minicanvas used for change rooms and for interact in the WORLD, but can work with a standar canvas that works too.
That is thanks to the CANVASGROUD element, this leave to put a group in canvas that wont detect interaction or raycast, so the space for the game is the area the click and raycast dont work for the principal canvas, and leave that space of interaction to the world canvases.
At the end created this world with 22 rooms, many things can appear or not, or change. x3
Later comes the hard part of the process, the control of the STATS
This was the first time using so much STATICS VARIABLES or STATIC CLASSES, but is a really good way to CONNECT many codes to same values.
Here is a view of the codes used for this game, the scripts in MAYUS are the STATIC CLASSES:
Like you can see, i set the statics classes for STATS control and DATA used for the different state of the game (Move and BATTLE)
here you can check the values for the PLAYERSTATS
there are a total of 13 differents stats, but each one has 4 differents presentations, why?
Base - represent like it says the base value of the stats.
Plus - represent the increased value, this can comes from events in the game or objects.
Enhance (i put this name in honor to the JAM and his theme ENHANCE) - represent the value you LEVEL UP this stat.
Total - is the finalt result of all the previous VALUES.
And this is how i used for example:
The StatsControl Code was the most heavy code to create and here is a check of why.

This code is checking and updating constantly the data, this was similar to the enemystats too.
Then comes the code that combine those static codes for interaction between these, is where occurs the damage code in the figth.
Other part of the prodcutions was the interactive objects
Each one has a chance to appear or not and interact with your stats, like give you experience, money, objects, heal, or others things.
And the last part is to give more live to the game, with for example audios and effetcs.
For Example an advise, is to create a PUBLIC STATIC AUDIOSUORCE,
this was so usefull to make many things an action to PLAYONESHOT, when i need to do it, in the codes i only need to create and AUDIOCLIP and easy just write
Like i said, i had to create multiples codes and with this way is more easier to call the same object for multiples actions.
and the effects well using like prefabs and destroy them before x time
Latter come the test part, well oneof the finals cause every thing i did is tested before change to other thing xp, the stats of enemies is one of the hardest, cause there have to be weak or strong enought to still damage you wit armor but dont killing you like you are paper e.e
at the end is a role play game, so it depents of your luck with the elements and objects.
and this time leave to the end the artistic part, for example the menu and others things
This was a little explanation of many things i did for this game, i can tell you much more but this devlogs will be long enought.
Hope you all enjoy it and play it.
Have fun and thanks for reading.
Dungeon Warfare
Old School RPG Dungeon and Dragons. Award: Best Game - Jury Rank #1
Status | Prototype |
Author | Bromelee |
Genre | Adventure, Role Playing |
More posts
- New EditionDec 31, 2023
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