Creation Proccess
Well this time i take a new coding process, my idea was clear so decided to start the process.
First this time i will create all that i need in a TESTER SCENE, this scene will include all the mechanics and interactions i think to put in the game, and those are:
- Movement WASD
Basic movement with acceleration and velocity with a rigibody2D
- E start the absorption of the color
This was worked with triggers, the NPCs has a trigger (small so you must be near to the target) and use a TRIGGERSTAY to activate the E and start the process.
* SPACE to control the absortion
When you are in the absortion mode, you must press constantly SPACE to absorb all the color from the NPCs.
- R cancel and absortion process
This was added to obligate the player to complete the absortion, some cases you must canceled to avoid a ligth for example
- Q Hide
The principal idea here was that some NPCs follow you, but this was discarted, but continue the idea to create some specials areas where you can be invulnerable while you are hide. This was created to to make the mechanic to restore your color, whit this you can play with that like a plus or like a hazard, where some times if you hide will lose the color you need.
These are the mechanics planned for the player. I admit that this time i learn and test new things.
For example, when you bite and enemy i wanted to appear a conection between you and you victim, that thing i complete with the LINERENDERER, really cool thing but must find a way to create that this line appears between the objects and conected with each other.
Or test this time to create an PUBLIC ENUM like a class soo i can can call it from anywhere and used easily to control the colors of NPCs and Player
At the end this was the tester lvl
Contains a simple IA with waypoints movement, and lights animations, the intensity of the ligths indicates if this will hurt you or kill you instantly, the doors was controled with the same Enum show it before, so make it easy to conects those codes with this method.
The original idea was to create 10 levels, 1 for tuto and 9 levels with multiples puzzles, at the end decided to create better 5 levels, 2 for training and 3 levels, each level has 2 ways to be completed, some harder or must pay attencion to has the correct colors.
the levels were create on paper and like all the mechanics and things are ready tested, then was more easy to create the levels, they work perfectly so was only create them like i thougth and the level will result well.
Obvoiusly i tested to search bugs or see if this is posible to complete XD
at the end decided to create other thing, the sublevels, like this scenary is like cristal or transparent, looks amazing to see trow it and watch anothers levels down or up x3, but this result in some bugs i must to resolve.
the problem here is, this game is a 2.5D game, all the codes, triggers and movility are in 2D, and the scenary is 3D, what was my solution .
i decided to create each sublevel like a level in the scene, boths are active always BUT, create a code where i specific says witch sublevel has all the colliders active and whitch not, only when you reach and specific are you change and players and desactivade and activade collision, so all the things in each sublevel only works with each floor.
this is a 2D game, so the bug was that all cols was acting at the same, so the levels doesnt work, and the idea was to create some levels where you see things above or down to you, with this process i can complete the idea and create the final level like i wanted x3
plays with the game and views, at the end just add some effects and test another things, to ende only creating the menu and the achievements, finally i create a game with this XD
those are using the static data and the save process used in my other games.
This was a little explanation of the creatin and the things learns this time in the jam.
Hope you like it and play it x3
Get Color Demon
Color Demon
Puzzle Game. Awards: Runner-up: Public Vote, Best Audio: Jury's Desition
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